New publication: Engaging Developers in Standards Development

A short paper,Engaging Developers in Standards Development; the Cetis Code Bash Approach by Lorna Campbell and Adam Copper is now available from the Cetis Publications site. The paper discusses how Cetis Codebash events help to achieve practical interoperability by testing new specifications and standards. Drawing on years of experience includes a checklist for running a successful Code bash, including who to invite and the ground rules to establish. Abs

The Maturing of the MOOC – new BIS paper quotes Cetis Report

The long awaited Department for Business Innovation &Skills research paper on “The Maturing of the MOOC” was published today and quotes the Cetis paper “MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education” by Li Yuan and Stephen Powell. The BIS paper by Stephen Haggard provides a wide ranging assessment of the state of MOOC developments internationally and in the UK. Haggard reviews the literature and commentary on MOOCs from a broad range of s...

ALT-C reflections

Cetis staff were involved in a number of sessions at ALT-C 2013 this year. Over on her blog Sheila MacNeill reports on the "Small is beautiful; an antidote to Big Data" session which she ran with Stephen Powell. Sheila also writes about her invited speaker slot and her reflections on Moocs presentation.  

Sheila MacNeill is awarded ALT Learning Technologist of the Year 2013

Congratulations to Sheila MacNeill who has become the ALT Learning Technologist of the Year 2013. Sheila, Assistant Director at Cetis, was nominated for her outstanding achievement in promoting learning technologies to the wider UK education sector. Since 2004, Sheila has supported and advised on technical innovation in Jisc elearning programmes including digital literacies, distributed learning environments and curriculum design. Through her Cetis blog, ...