The latest issue of the newsletter covers:
The second stage of consultation on the new subject code HECoS
The launch of the RAGE project on Applied Games
QTI in action
Events we're at this spring
The newsletter is available at:
Consultation ( is now open on a new subject coding scheme to replace the current Joint Academic Coding Scheme, JACS 3. Cetis staff, Wilbert Kraan, Adam Cooper, Phil Barker and Lorna Campbell have worked with Alan Paull, Charlie Paull (APS ltd and Gill Ferrell (Aspire, to produce HECoS – the Higher Education Classification of Subjects for the Higher Education Data a
Cetis is delighted to announce the launch of the RAGE (Realising an Applied Game Eco-system), project a 9,000,000 euro EU funded Horizon 2020 project which will provide advanced technologies and know-how to the applied games industry across Europe. Cetis will lead work package 7 focused on Business modelling addressing issues including the cultural and technical interoperability of assets. We will contribute to most work-packages in some capacity.
The full...
Our latest newsletter is now available at: As always the newsletter rounds up the last two months of Cetis activities into a short bulletin. In this issue;
The HEDIIP Subject Coding Scheme phase 1 report
The LRMI implementation synthesis report
A Learning Analytics Review from the LACE project on Measuring Learner Emotions
Updates on Open Scotland, InLOC and reports from meetings.
Cetis is pleased to announce the publication of a new report synthesising ten LRMI implementation projects undertaken during phase two of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative. Since 2011, the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative has aimed to make it easier to publish, discover, and deliver quality educational resources on the web. In the final phase of the project Cetis’s Lorna Campbell and Phil Barker were asked to produce case studies on the implem